Novel Dreamers – February 2017
Novel Dreamers is a monthly writing challenge created by Dagna Theatre. Each month several talented writers (and Shaun) are set a task to write about a specific idea with a 1500 word limit. At the end of the month there’s a poll and a winner (not Shaun) is chosen. This month the theme was musical and I was assigned Waiting On A Sunny Day by Bruce Springsteen. I'm not sure how this led me to…
Novel Dreamers – January 2017
Novel Dreamers is a monthly writing challenge created by Dagna Theatre. Each month several talented writers (and Shaun) are set a task to write about a specific idea with a 1500 word limit. At the end of the month there’s a poll and a winner (not Shaun) is chosen. This month the theme was A drunken man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts… I may have still been a bit hung-up on the Trump/Brexit thing…
Novel Dreamers – December 2016
Novel Dreamers is a monthly writing challenge created by Dagna Theatre. Each month several talented writers (and Shaun) are set a task to write about a specific idea with a 1500 word limit. At the end of the month there’s a poll and a winner (not Shaun) is chosen. This month the theme was Christmas and my inspiration here came from the lovely Mrs D. In Better for Bears, Bullets or Balls? we look at…
Novel Dreamers – November 2016
Novel Dreamers is a monthly writing challenge created by Dagna Theatre. Each month several talented writers (and Shaun) are set a task to write about a specific idea with a 1500 word limit. At the end of the month there’s a poll and a winner (not Shaun) is chosen. This month the theme was Revolution. This was around Brexit time so it all got a little political this month with a story of humanity being…
14/48: Leicester – Saturday November 19th 2016
14/48 is the ultimate in speed theatre where 14 plays are written, directed, scored, designed and performed within a 48 hour period. The theme for the Saturday was Bedtime Stories so I decided to take it dark and do a black comedy set in a mental institution. There were two patients and an evil Nurse Ratched-a-like and boy did those ladies deliver a show! Title: Always Finish the Story. Director: Lily Portman Actors: Kirsty Mealing, Georgia Penney…
14/48: Leicester – Friday November 18th 2016
14/48 is the ultimate in speed theatre where 14 plays are written, directed, scored, designed and performed within a 48 hour period. The theme for the Friday was Access Denied which made me think of places I hadn't been let into. Which made me think of pubs and bouncers and I figured that would be fertile ground for a comedy play. Title: Let Me In! Let Me In! Director: Kieran Vyas Actors: Samantha Hobson, Georgia Penney and…
Novel Dreamers – October 2016
Novel Dreamers is a monthly writing challenge created by Dagna Theatre. Each month several talented writers (and Shaun) are set a task to write about a specific idea with a 1500 word limit. At the end of the month there's a poll and a winner (not Shaun) is chosen. This month the theme was Fear. For this one I started writing about the creepy walk home from town to my parents house I used to…
Novel Dreamers – September 2016.
Novel Dreamers is a monthly writing challenge created by Dagna Theatre. Each month several talented writers (and Shaun) are set a task to write about a specific idea with a 1500 word limit. At the end of the month there's a poll and a winner (not Shaun) is chosen. This month the theme was Character Continuation where we had to pick one of our favourite characters and continue their story. As a huge fan of…
14/48: Leicester – Saturday May 7th 2016
14/48 is the ultimate in speed theatre where 14 plays are written, directed, scored, designed and performed within a 48 hour period. The theme for the Saturday was I Don't Like Change so I went where anyone would go and wrote a play about a about a homeless man and a rich man joining forces to kill Death... I assume because the first joke that came to mind was homeless people people probably like change…
14/48: Leicester – Friday May 6th 2016
14/48 is the ultimate in speed theatre where 14 plays are written, directed, scored, designed and performed within a 48 hour period. The theme for the Friday was Perseverance so I channelled my inner Stephen King and wrote a play about writing a play while listening to the song by Terrorvision on loop... It actually came out really well. Title: How Hard Can it Be? Director: Jonny McClean Actors: Christopher Smart, Lesley Emery and Steve…